Weightloss Guide



Proteins are organic cells of the live matter : muscles, organs, liver, brain, bones, etc. Proteins contain the simplest components, called amino acids. Some of them are manufactured by the body. Most of them come from an external contribution, thru alimentation, in which proteins can have a double origin:

- Animal origin: large quantities are found in meat, fish, cheese, eggs, milk;
- Vegetal origin: in soy, nuts, almonds, integral cereals and some vegetables.
The idea is to consume vegetable proteins, as well as animal proteins.
Proteins are indispensable for organism:
- For cellular structure construction,- For eventual source of energy, after transformation in glucose (KREBS cycle),- For certain hormones production,- For constitution of nucleic acids (necessary for reproduction).

A regime with a proteic deficit can have serious consequences on the body: muscle atrophy, skin depreciation, etc.Daily ratio of proteins should be about 60 grams for a child and 90 grams for a teenager.

For adults, the daily necessary should represent 1 gram/kilo, with a minimum of 55 grams /day for women and 70 grams/day for men.In other words, proteins contribution, for an adult, should represent, at least, 15% of the daily energetic contribution. If, the protein consumption is too much, and the physical activity insufficient, the proteic residues will persist in the body and they will transform into uric acid, a substance responsible for an illness called gout.Except for the egg, animal or vegetable proteins do not bring the necessary body amino acids.An alimentation based only on vegetal proteins is an unbalanced one, that leads to cystein deficiency that can cause hair and nails problems.

A balanced regime is a vegetarian regime that includes eggs and dairy.

Warning signs and symptoms of eating disorders

Eating disorders are secretive by nature – people will attempt to hide the symptoms and effects of the disorder (like covering up drastic weight loss with layers of clothing, or hiding “binge” foods under a bed or in some other hiding place). The symptoms can also be hard to recognize until the problem has gotten out of control. Symptoms in teenagers can be even harder to detect because some warning signs (like moodiness) look like normal adolescent behavior. Some people exhibit many of the following warning signs and symptoms, while others may exhibit only a few.
Mental and Emotional symptoms of eating disorders
-preoccupation with body appearance or weight
-moodiness, irritability, confusion or shakiness
-reduced concentration, memory, and thinking ability
-depression or suicidal thoughts
-anxiety, especially around meal times
Behavioral symptoms of eating disorders
-dieting or making frequent excuses not to eat
-overeating or hoarding food
-obsessive rituals such as drinking only out of a certain cup, or eating certain foods
-wearing baggy clothes, or a change in clothing style
-trips to the bathroom after meals
Social symptoms of eating disorders
-social withdrawal or isolation
-avoidance of social situations involving food
-decreased interest in hobbies
Physical symptoms of eating disorders
-Dramatic recent weight loss unrelated to an illness
-In women, missing three consecutive menstrual periods
-No energy or complaints about feeling cold all the time
-Dry, lifeless hair; brittle nails, poor skin tone


Glucides are very important for the central nervous system. Glucose is the main predecessor of glycogen (body’s main glucidic supply). Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles. It plays an important role in regulating the sugar level in blood.

Amydon is the main source of glucides in alimentation. It is found in cereals, potatoes, etc.
Cellulose and hemicelluloses, also called fibers, are not digested by the organism, due to their fibrous consistency. They stimulate intestinal peristaltism, favors excrements evacuation, favors cholesterol elimination thru intestine, favors the elimination of toxic substances and other metabolism products, normalizes intestinal flora, etc.

Pectin can be found in fruits and vegetables. It helps in the treatment of digestive illnesses, contributes to the normalization of metabolism, cholesterol, intestinal flora, intestinal peristaltism; it is also used to treat and prevent mineral salts intoxication.

Glucides deficit can cause metabolic disorders with numerous negative effects for overall health.
Glucides excess can also have negative effects like: obesity, liver lipidic infiltration. Consummation of foods rich in amydon, of fruits and vegetables rich in glucides have good benefits for your health and it helps reducing the desires for foods rich in sugar, that are bad for health.

Glucides daily ratio should be 300-400 grams for adults, including 50-100 grams of easy assimilable sugars. Glucides will represent 50-65% of the needed daily energetic value. People that are very active need increased quantities of glucides so, they should consume up to 600-700 grams of glucides on a daily basis.

What are eating disorders?

Eating disorders involve a serious disturbance in eating habits, including:
-not eating enough
-repeatedly eating too much in a short period of time
-taking drastic measures to rid the body of calories consumed (purging through vomiting; overuse of diuretics or laxatives; excessive exercise; or fasting)
-being constantly concerned over body size and shape
All eating disorders usually have an underlying emotional cause that is expressed through an unhealthy relationship with food. An eating disorder is not a “diet”. While most people consider a diet as a means to get healthier, people with eating disorders see losing weight as a way to improve one’s life, relationships, and self-image. Controlling food and weight becomes a means of hiding pain, anger, fear and other troubling emotions.


There are six major classes of nutrients found in food: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids (fats and oils), minerals, vitamins (both fat-soluble and water-soluble) and water. Oils, fats, waxes, and sterols are collectively known as lipids. They play important and divers roles in health and nutrition.

Lipids contain hydrogen, carbon and oxygen but have far less oxygen proportionally than carbohydrates. They can be divided into 2 categories: saturated and unsaturated, based on the chemical structure of their longest, and therefore dominant, fatty acid.

- Lipids from plant sources are largely unsaturated, and therefore liquid at room temperature.- The ones that are derived from animals contain a higher amount of saturated fats, and they are therefore solid at room temperature.

Lipids were long considered to be passive passengers of carrier vesicles with the only role of sealing the transport container. Many lipids are essential for life; however, there is also considerable awareness that abnormal levels of certain lipids, particularly cholesterol (in hypercholesterolemia) and, more recently, trans fatty acids, are risk factors for heart disease and other diseases.

The energy contained in a gram of lipids is more than twice the amount in carbohydrates and protein, with an average of 9 kcal/gram. High levels of blood lipids can increase the risk of developing both heart disease and stroke, the greatest medical killers in modern world. A proper proportion of fat, sugar and proteins help assure normal blood lipids. Some forms of blood lipids, like triglycerides, are increased by drinking alcohol.

Eating Disorders Symptoms and Treatment

Paying attention to diet and exercise can effectively control weight. But if you find yourself constantly worrying about your weight, and your eating habits are consuming your thoughts and dictating your social activities, things have gotten out of control and taken on a life of their own. What may have started as a plan to lose a few pounds might have turned into an unhealthy eating disorder.
Eating disorders have serious emotional and physical effects. However, with proper treatment, control and recovery is possible

“Miracle” Weight Loss Products

When you choose a weight loss product, take a little time to analyze every offer so you won’t lose your money. Many products on the market exploit our desire (natural, of course) of losing weight fast and effortlessly. Many are hypes, promising unrealistic things. It is best if you do your research before or ask a specialist.

Here are some “wonders” promised by many manufacturers of weight loss products that should raise a red flag and make you think twice before purchasing their products:

Our supplement:
1. Make you lose weight no matter how much you eat.
2. Determines a weight loss of more than 1 kg. /week, without exercising or dieting.
3. Produces a permanent weight loss (even thought the person is not using the product anymore).
4. Blocks fat or calories absorption, so you’ll lose more weight.
5. Facilitates a weight loss of more than 1,5 kilos/week for more than 4 weeks.
6. Works for everybody.

Also, be suspicious about those devices that, attached to the body, “reduce your waist cu x centimeters, without any effort” or about different lotions that promise local reduction of fat tissue.

Is fat a friend or foe?

Recent science has proven that eating some fat is not only necessary for humans, but may help you lose weight. Along with benefiting nearly every organ in the body, fat also fills you up better than carbohydrates.
However, it is important to distinguish between good fats and bad fats. Good fats come from whole, natural, unprocessed sources. Fats turn bad when they are processed, or damaged by light, heat, oxygen or chemicals. A good example of this is partial hydrogenation, a process which gives oils longer shelf life, but in turn creates trans-fats, which are particularly harmful
Eating small amounts of natural fats coming from foods like avocados, nuts, and seeds can help you get full faster and provide the healthy fats your body needs.

The truth about healthy weight loss

While it would be nice to pop a pill and wake up 20 lbs lighter, the truth is that healthy weight loss takes time and effort, as well as a commitment to lifelong maintenance. The bottom line is that you need to burn more calories than you consume in order to lose pounds; in other words, eat less and move more. this doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself – healthy weight loss is about avoiding restrictive or “starvation” diets, and focusing instead on consuming better foods, controlling portion sizes, incorporating exercise, and examining the emotional and social factors that affect our weight. This can lead to changes in eating and exercise patterns that become part of a life style for maintaining a healthy weight over the long term.

Popular Plans and Tips for Managing Your Weight

No matter how peaceful your nature, when it comes to the battle of the bulge, you have to put up a good fight. In our eat-and-run, massive-portion-sized world, healthy weight loss can be a struggle. Adding to the difficulty is the abundance of fad diets and “quick-fix” plans that tempt and confuse us.
By following basic mindful eating and smart nutrition suggestions, you’ll be well on your way to successful, healthy weight loss!